Are your Core Beliefs Helping or Hindering you?
Have you ever felt like there's an invisible force holding you back, keeping you from finally feeling confident or achieving your goals and desires?
Those nagging thoughts that whisper you're not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough? Meet your core beliefs – the deeply ingrained assumptions that shape your entire worldview and influence how you feel about yourself, how you interact with others, and ultimately, how successful and fulfilled you are in life and relationships.
Our Core beliefs, positive and negative, aren't just passing thoughts; they're the essence of who we are, as fundamental to our identity as our name.
But here's the tricky part: our negative or limiting core beliefs feel like absolute truths, making them stubbornly resistant to change- intellectually.
They're stories we've been telling ourselves unconsciously and repeatedly, often since childhood, and like any good story, we can rewrite them. So, while they may feel like unshakable truths, it's important to remember that they're not facts—They are just how we see the world.
How are core beliefs formed?
Let’s start with how they’re formed in the first place.
Our core beliefs develop early in life and are shaped by our upbringing and experiences. For example, if a child “perceives” a lack of love or attention from a parent, they may develop the belief that they are unloved, regardless of the actual circumstances.
As children, we naturally try to make sense of our experiences, but sometimes, we misinterpret or misunderstand them, which leads to negative and false beliefs. These beliefs can become deeply ingrained “storylines” that shape our perception of ourselves and the world around us.
Even a happy childhood could include some emotional wounds based on misinterpretations.
Here are a few ways they can take shape:
Childhood Experiences: Our upbringing plays a significant role. If we experience situations where our needs aren’t met or face criticism or neglect, it can shape our beliefs about ourselves and the world.
Misinterpretation of Events: Sometimes, we misinterpret events or interactions, leading us to create negative beliefs about ourselves. For example, if we fail at something, we might internalise it as evidence of our incompetence, unworthiness, or lack of intelligence.
Family Dynamics: Family dynamics, including relationships with parents, siblings, or caregivers, can heavily influence our beliefs about ourselves. Patterns of behaviour within the family unit can reinforce certain negative beliefs.
Social Environment: Our interactions with peers, teachers, and other authority figures can contribute. Bullying, social rejection, or comparisons with others may reinforce feelings of inadequacy or inferiority.
Cultural and Societal Influences: Cultural norms, media portrayals, and societal expectations can shape our beliefs about what is desirable or acceptable. Unrealistic standards or stereotypes may contribute to feelings of not measuring up.
Traumatic Events: Traumatic experiences, such as abuse, loss, or significant life changes, can deeply impact our beliefs about ourselves and the world. These events can create a sense of fear, helplessness, or worthlessness, which may manifest as negative core beliefs.
You might be surprised that some core beliefs are embedded by age seven. The repetitive cycle can look like this:
Early experience: with criticism or comparisons to others.
Unhelpful assumption: Internalising beliefs like “I am inferior” or “My worth depends on what others think of me.”
Critical incident later in life: Such as a relationship breakup.
Negative automatic thoughts or cognitive distortions: Thoughts like “It’s all my fault,” “I’ll be alone forever,” “I’m stupid,” or “Something is wrong with me.”
Symptoms: These may manifest behaviorally as social withdrawal; motivationally as loss of interest or procrastination; emotionally as feelings of sadness, anxiety, or guilt; cognitively as poor concentration, indecisiveness, or self-criticism; and physically as disruptions in sleep or appetite.
How Core Beliefs Unconsciously Direct Our Lives
Negative Core beliefs are, more often than not, the main barrier between you and reaching your next-level goals and aspirations. Even the most organised, successful, high achievers can encounter these internal blocks.
No matter what shape your core belief takes if it conflicts with your current goals and dreams... Whether it's feeling inadequate, unworthy, or incapable, these beliefs often create self-fulfilling prophecies that reinforce our negative perceptions. Because they’re fueled by emotion which overpowers the logical thinking mind.
Sometimes, what may appear as strengths stem from deeper negative beliefs. Take striving for perfection, being a high achiever, ambitious or constantly pleasing others at the expense of your time and energy. While these behaviours may seem admirable, they can be coping mechanisms rooted in core beliefs of inadequacy or unworthiness. Ironically, these strategies tend to backfire over time, only reinforcing the very beliefs they were meant to mask.
When you’re trying to build more confidence, feel happier, and move forward in your business, relationships, and emotional well-being, your subconscious beliefs are faulty and outdated. It feels like you’re pushing against the tide.
Here are some examples that my clients and I have experienced. It looks like this:
Desire/ Goal - I want a new, healthy, blissful, harmonious relationship.
Negative Core Belief - I’m unlovable. I don’t deserve love or happiness.
Automatic Negative Talk/ Inner Critic- I’ll be hurt. I can’t trust anyone. I can’t be vulnerable. I don’t feel slim, attractive, young, or good enough. Relationships are painful. I’ll be rejected/abandoned. I need to (lose weight, feel better, have more confidence) be better.
Desire/Goal: I want to be a successful business owner, generate financial security, earn more money, and create my own work/life balance.
Negative Core Belief- I don’t know enough/ It’s not available to me/ I’m not good enough.
Automatic Negative Talk- Inner Critic- I need more courses/ information. I don’t have the skills/knowledge/experience compared to others. I can’t charge more for my services. No one will pay me the prices. I can’t do this. I’m an imposter/ who am I to do this? My life isn’t perfect. What do I have to offer? I can’t start until (fill in the blank) is perfect.
Desire/ Goal- I want to express myself with confidence, be visible, and communicate openly.
Negative Core Belief- I’m insignificant, I don’t matter, I’m unlovable/ unlikeable, I’ll be rejected/ abandoned.
Automatic Negative Thought: I can’t express my thoughts, opinions, or authentic self. Others will judge me, dislike me, or reject me. If I say what I feel, it will lead to shame, embarrassment, conflict, fights, and drama. I will upset people.
You can understand how these conflicting beliefs domino affect our quality of life. Symptoms like emotional eating, anxiety, exhaustion, irritability, sleep issues, avoidance, sabotage, inertia, and some illnesses can be signs of unconscious unhealthy coping and survival strategies.
These deep-rooted core beliefs are stored in our unconscious mind and body, whose only job is to keep us safe. They don’t distinguish between good, negative, healthy, or unhealthy beliefs or strategies; they do what’s needed to keep us alive and safe.
You can unlearn and replace these disempowering beliefs and create a life of confidence, purpose, and fulfilment. The first step is identifying yours, which isn’t always straightforward as they aren’t always logical or have been masked for many years.
Do you know your Limiting Core Beliefs?
So, how do you identify these sneaky beliefs hiding in your unconscious? One clue lies in your automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) – Those recurring patterns of self-doubt and criticism that plague your mind. Pay attention to phrases like "I'm not good enough", "I'm going to fail", or "I shouldn’t feel like this." – they often stem from deeper core beliefs about your worthiness and capability.
Another hint? Look for absolutes. Core beliefs often manifest in statements starting with "I am … " or "Others are…" or “The world is…” –biased thoughts that influence how you see yourself and the world.
Here are some common core beliefs that may resonate with you
I don’t deserve love.
I am a bad person.
I am worthless (inadequate).
I am not lovable.
I am not good enough.
I deserve only bad things.
I am permanently damaged.
I am ugly (my body is hateful).
I do not deserve . . .
I am stupid (not smart enough).
I am insignificant (unimportant).
I am a disappointment.
I deserve to be miserable.
I am different (don’t belong
I cannot trust myself. / my judgment.
I cannot trust anyone.
It’s not okay to feel (show) my emotions.
I cannot stand up for myself.
I cannot let it out.
I am not in control.
I am powerless (helpless).
I am weak.
I cannot get what I want.
I am a failure (will fail). I cannot succeed.
I have to be perfect (please everyone).
I am inadequate.
How to Rewire Negative Core Beliefs
There are many tools and techniques you can try alone. Traditional coaching and talk therapies also help. They typically use the Top-Down approach, which involves using the logical conscious mind (which is 5% of the mind). While these approaches can be practical, it may take months of deliberate, systematic effort and patience to identify and replace deeply ingrained, persistent, unconscious core beliefs.
Imagine your mind as a computer; the conscious mind handles the logical and critical thinking, but it's only the tip of the iceberg, accounting for a mere 5% of our thoughts. The remaining 95% resides in the depths of our unconscious and is like a programmable "hard drive" where all our life experiences are downloaded.
It’s beyond our awareness yet constantly influencing our conscious behaviours because it’s here, in our unconscious mind, that all our memories, emotions, and the core beliefs we’ve talked about are held.
Many traditional strategies, such as affirmations, positive reframes, or other top-down strategies, and willpower alone may not create lasting change. They can take a very long time to transform because they only resolve the “symptoms,” not the subconscious root causes that influence them.
Transforming core beliefs doesn’t need to take months or years of struggle or analysis.
Whether your goal is to attract a loving relationship, start, grow, or pivot your business, or transform your confidence and self-worth, your mind must be optimised and upgraded to ensure your unconscious beliefs support you and do not hold you back.
That’s where Rapid Transformational Therapy™ comes in. By bypassing the conscious mind and communicating directly with the subconscious, RTT hypnotherapy can uncover, heal, and reprogram these beliefs faster than traditional methods within three sessions or less.
How Rapid Transformational Hypno-Therapy™ works to fast-track changing Negative Beliefs
Unlike conventional hypnosis, RTT™ doesn’t rely solely on positive reinforcement. It’s a complete solution-based treatment, combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Hypnosis, NLP, CBT, and Neuroscience to create powerful changes within a few short sessions. The process is effortless; we
We identify the root causes of your limiting beliefs, fears, unhealed emotional wounds and unhelpful patterns holding you back, uncovering the meaning and interpretation of these events.
Using several tools, we heal unresolved emotions and release and reframe outdated beliefs, values, and habits, re-establishing feelings of safety and control of your mind and body.
We rewire the brain’s neural pathways to replace outdated belief systems and negative behaviour patterns with new life-affirming, empowering beliefs aligned with your upgraded self-identity and desires so you can quickly achieve them.
These are some of the empowering beliefs we can install to replace those that aren’t helping you.
I deserve love;
I can have love.
I am a good (loving) person.
I am fine as I am. I am worthy;
I am worthwhile.
I am lovable.
I am deserving (fine/okay).
I deserve good things.
I am (can be) healthy.
I can be myself (make mistakes).
I am fine (attractive/ lovable).
I can have (deserve) . . .
I am intelligent (able to learn). I am significant (important).
I deserve to be happy. I am okay as I am.
I do the best I can (I can learn).
I can (learn to) trust myself.
I can trust my judgment. I can (learn to) take care of myself.
I can safely feel (show) my emotions.
I can make my needs known. I can succeed.
So, if you're ready to rewrite the stories stored in your subconscious mind and unlock your full potential, I'm here to help. Together, we can uncover the beliefs holding you back and create a fresh new narrative that empowers you to live your best life.
Learn more about Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy below.
Learn more about how RTT Hypnotherapy can help heal and reprogramme negative core beliefs from the root.