Upgrade your Mind - Transform your Life
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy
Heal, Resolve and Rewire your Confidence, Success, Money, Love and Happiness Blocks within 1-6 sessions.
Our Outward Life is influenced by our Subconscious programming.
Together, we rewire and upgrade your inner programming so you can achieve your goals and aspirations effortlessly.
Do you feel that the strategies you’ve tried and willpower alone haven’t lasted?
You're not alone. Changing our behaviours and overcoming self-sabotaging patterns with just the conscious mind can feel like an uphill struggle. Only 5% of change happens using the conscious mind, which drives our willpower, critical thinking, judgments, and decisions.
95 % of behavioural change happens in the subconscious mind. This is where our emotions, beliefs, values, habits, long-term memory, patterns, automatic body functions, and internal stories about ourselves and the world reside.
Our limiting beliefs, many formed by age 7, operate on autopilot, influencing our bodies, thoughts, feelings, and actions without our conscious awareness.
When negative beliefs conflict with our goals, we remain stuck and default to old, familiar habits and behaviours despite how hard we try to change them intellectually.
We Communicate Directly with Your Subconscious Mind for Faster Results.
Your subconscious mind is a powerful untapped resource that holds the key to elevating your inner peace, self-worth and fulfilment.
Together, we communicate directly with your unconscious mind to heal and resolve outdated and unwanted disempowering beliefs, patterns, and fears faster than many traditional methods.
We’ll ensure your mind supports you on your path to becoming the person you want to be and achieving your desires.
We Reprogramme and Retrain your Mind with Upgraded Beliefs.
At the heart of our work is identifying, resolving, and upgrading the subconscious beliefs and fears that hold you back and conflict with who you want to be and your desires.
For example, you may feel you're not good enough, too much, unlovable, or undeserving of abundance, wealth, success, love, or happiness. You may worry that reaching your next level means making difficult sacrifices, facing struggles, or risking judgment or rejection.
Together, we'll free you from these limitations, empowering you to move forward while honouring your definition of success.

93% recovery rate after 6 sessions
38% recovery rate after 600 sessions.
- Source: Barrios, Alfred A.
RTT Hypnotherapy- a modern, safe and science -backed solution.
Unlike traditional hypnosis, RTT Hypnotherapy™ isn't just about positive reinforcement. It blends principles from various fields, including Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, CBT, NLP Psychotherapy, and the latest Neuroscience.
It’s a powerful, complete solution-orientated hypnotherapy. It tackles emotional and psychological issues, sometimes in as few as three sessions.
By addressing the underlying causes of long-standing issues, we can achieve breakthroughs faster than some talk therapies. This process can free you from problems that have weighed you down for months, even years.
This has been the game-changer for achieving deeper breakthroughs and lasting transformations for me and my clients.

Identify the Root Cause
We identify the root causes of your limiting beliefs, fears, unhealed emotional wounds and unhelpful patterns holding you back, uncovering the meaning and interpretation of these events.
Heal & Release
Using several tools we heal unresolved emotions, and release and reframe outdated beliefs, values, and habits re-establishing feelings of safety and control of your mind and body.
We rewire the brain’s neural pathways to replace negative beliefs, patterns and thoughts with new life-affirming empowering beliefs aligned with your upgraded self-identity and desires so you can easily achieve them with ease.
Here are some of the Internal Barriers I can support you to Resolve
Confidence & Self Worth
Self-doubt and lack of self-trust
Self-Judgment/Inner critic
Poor self-image and Self-Esteem
Childhood emotional wounds/ stuck emotions
Not feeling good enough / lovable
Anxiety / overwhelm/ stress/ irritability
Guilt/ Shame / Resentments / Regrets
Disempowering, unhealthy habits & behaviours
Business, Career and Wealth Blocks
Imposter syndrome/ Self-Doubt
Visibility and public speaking
Success and Wealth Blocks
Self Sabotage and Perfectionism
Motivation and Clarity
Fears of failure/ success
Comparison & Fear of Judgement
Your Relationships
Relationship attachment wounds and co-dependency
Fears of abandonment/ rejection
Love and Connection Blocks
Attracting and sustaining love
Unhealthy Relationship patterns
Self Expression/ Needs and honouring boundaries
Trust Issues
Increased Self-love and self-compassion
Self-Image/ Weight Management/ Unhealthy habits.
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy packages
This Single Session option is perfect for you to break through one significant block/ barrier/ limitation that you know is preventing you from feeling confident in your daily life, business, and/ or relationship life.
A Pre-session relaxing audio hypnosis to prepare you and your mind for success
A 90-minute to 2-hour online Rapid transformational hypnotherapy session
A personalised post-hypnotherapy audio hypnosis to listen to daily for a minimum of 30 days.
A 30-minute post-session follow-up call.
Email/text support between sessions including personalised nervous system regulation tools
Following our introduction video call your confirmation, and signing of simple terms and conditions and payment, we schedule your session. We have your follow-up call within 21 days of your hypnotherapy session.
The price is €275.00.
This three-session package is perfect if you want a deeper transformation on an ongoing issue or to address two to three significant issues impeding your progress.
A pre-session relaxation audio hypnosis for RTT.
Three 90-minute - 2-hour RTT sessions.
Post-hypnotherapy session personalised audio recordings. to listen to for a minimum of 30 days.
Follow up - check-in within 10 days of each hypnotherapy b
One 30-minute coaching on your personal nervous system regulation blueprint plus somatic tools.
Bonus Hypnosis audios in between.
Following our introduction video call your confirmation, and signing of simple terms and conditions and payment, we schedule your session.
We go at your pace. You can have them weekly/ fortnightly or monthly based on your preference.
The price is € 750.00
You can pay in one or two installments
This Six Session Package is perfect for a far-reaching lasting transformation of one layered issue, to address separate issues in different areas of your life and to maintain your emotional fitness
A pre-session relaxation audio hypnosis for RTT.
Six 90-minute - 2-hour RTT sessions
Three 30-minute coaching sessions including personalised nervous system mapping.
Personalised additional audio hypnosis recordings for each RTT, session, plus bonus recordings including body healing & cell regeneration, to support your emotional healing.
Personalised resources/ tools/ micro training videos to master your mind and optimise your transformation.
Plus personalised booster mini hypnosis audios for your needs
Following our introduction video call your confirmation, and signing of simple terms and conditions and payment, we schedule your first session. within 2-3 days.
We go at your pace. The sessions can be taken as soon as you’re ready to proceed to the next one after taking some time to integrate he previous session.
The price is €1,450 which you can pay in one to three installments.
Hi, I’m Maria
I understand how frustrating and confusing it can be when your inner feelings don’t match your goals and desires. You know what you “should” be feeling and doing, but despite your hard work and progress, something inside still feels unresolved.
You might feel like you’re just going through the motions, not fully happy. But it doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out process to create meaningful change in how you feel about yourself and your life.
If you’re ready to clear your mind of all the thoughts and emotions that aren’t serving you, I invite you to experience the power of Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy.
Book your free introduction call below.
Hypnotherapy is the opposite of mind control. During each session, you are always in complete control and your mind remains fully alert. I cannot make you do or say anything that goes against your true beliefs, values, or morals. You remain completely in character and true to yourself while in hypnosis.
All hypnosis is essentially self-hypnosis. While I facilitate the hypnotherapy session and provide suggestions, it is you who makes the changes in your own mind. In Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), suggestions are part of the process, but ultimately, you are the one driving your own transformation.
Hypnosis is the act of guiding someone into a deep state of relaxation, hyperfocus, concentration, and increased suggestibility. Many of us naturally enter trance states regularly, such as zoning out during a daily commute, daydreaming while listening to music, or getting lost in the world of a book or movie.
RTT Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, is the therapeutic application of hypnosis. While a hypnotist may use positive suggestions, hypnotherapy goes deeper, addressing the root causes of issues.
For example, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) uses hypnotherapy to identify and resolve the underlying causes of presenting problems, providing a more profound and lasting change than surface-level techniques.
This is also why affirmations may not work for many people; without addressing the underlying issues, positive statements alone might not lead to significant or lasting change. RTT Hypnotherapy transforms deep-seated beliefs and patterns, facilitating true healing and personal growth.
Anyone, regardless of age, can be hypnotised if they genuinely want to be and have a desire to resolve emotional obstacles and achieve their goals. Research shows that neuroplasticity can occur even in 80-year-olds, so there is no age limit to the benefits of hypnotherapy.
However, certain feelings and concerns might prevent you from allowing this natural process to occur:
Fear of suppressed emotions emerging
Fear of revealing secrets
Fear of losing control
Previous experience of hypnosis not working
Pressure to try hypnosis by a friend or family member against your will
These feelings are completely natural, and it's healthy to have a little nervousness or skepticism. To alleviate these concerns, we start with an introductory call so you can feel comfortable with me and discuss any questions or worries you might have.
To prepare you and your mind for success, I provide an audio hypnosis recording to listen to before your RTT session. Additionally, I offer personalised nervous system regulation tools to practice beforehand to promote relaxation.
It's important to note that during sessions, you won’t re-live past trauma. We use age regression only to review past experiences that may have influenced your current beliefs and emotions, then apply various dynamic tools to heal, reframe, and upgrade those experiences.
Healing unconscious and known unresolved wounds may involve temporary discomfort, but this is part of the process to heal and resolve these issues.
Finally, remember that you’re always in control and only share information you’re comfortable with. Your safety and comfort are my top priorities throughout our work together.
The results of my program can be instant, accumulative, or retroactive. Many clients experience deep healing and a sense of immediate release and lightness from the very first session. However, healing periods are unique to each individual.
A crucial part of achieving success and creating new neural pathways in your brain is your commitment to listen to the provided audio recordings daily for at least 30 days after each session. This practice reinforces the positive changes and helps solidify your progress.
My goal is to resolve your unconscious issues in the least number of sessions possible.
Some issues may be resolved in just one session, where you'll experience a significant shift and powerful healing. The mind supports you best when focusing on one main issue at a time, so we can't combine many unrelated issues in a single session as it would confuse the mind and reduce the effectiveness of the hypnotherapy.
Depending on your circumstances, we might need to peel back additional layers of the same issue or address unrelated issues. This is because we're often working with deeply ingrained beliefs, habits, and wounds that may have been present since childhood and can ripple into various areas of your life.
For fully and permanently transforming issues that have been pervasive for many years, setting a healthy foundation to recode new beliefs, an average of three sessions has been incredibly beneficial for my clients. Some may need or choose to have more sessions; it's a very personal process and varies for each individual.
Everyone responds differently, which is normal. During your free consultation call, we can discuss this in more detail, and you'll gain clarity on which program option may be best for you.
RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) hypnotherapy and talk therapies have distinct approaches and functions:
Scope of Practice:
As an RTT Hypnotherapist, I don't don't diagnose or treat clinical conditions. Most people don't visit hypnotherapists for years as they might with traditional therapists.
Focus of Treatment:
Talk therapies primarily work with the conscious mind, which accounts for about 5% of our mental processes. This includes critical thinking, short-term memory, judgment, decisions, and willpower.
RTT hypnotherapy communicates directly with the unconscious mind, which makes up 95% that controls our habits, patterns, automatic body functions, emotions, beliefs, values, long-term memory, and cognitive biases.
Approach and Duration:
Talk therapies often involve regular sessions over an extended period, focusing on discussing and analysing issues.
RTT hypnotherapy is designed to resolve the root cause of subconscious blocks and install empowering beliefs in a significantly shorter period. Clients typically see results faster and can also use RTT as a tune-up or boost for other concerns that arise in life. This makes it an accelerated process compared to traditional talk therapies.
After RTT hypnotherapy, the changes and upgraded beliefs tend to stay with you beyond our work together, offering long-lasting transformation and efficiency.
Do you prefer more support and accountability to build momentum and implement changes in your life?
Then you might prefer my Integrated Empowered Confidence Coaching programme.
It includes RTT Hypnotherapy plus Coaching and more in depth support.